GenoStat is a forensic DNA analysis java-based application that generates DNA profile
match statistics (RMP, CPI and things like sibling match probabilities) as well performing mixture resolution (separating mixtures into their contributor components).
We're hoping that most of what GenoStat does is self-explanatory (at least to people confronted with DNA testing results). You should be able to just double-click on it to get it to run (if you have
Java installed on your computer). With this version you'll need to type in RFU values for any alleles at any loci that you want to consider in your analysis. If you type in values for three or four
alleles at any locus it will presume that you are dealing with a two-person mixture and will attempt to deconvolve it for you. If you type in more than four alleles at a locus it will warn you that
it can only deconvolve two-person mixtures but will still generate CPI statistics for you. You'll see you can change the value for theta and can pick from allele frequencies from one of three
different databases. You can see what effect deleting any locus or loci from consideration just by clicking on some check boxes and quickly get an answer for a variety of different kinds of match
probabilities (unrelated through sibling to second cousin) with a drop down menu. We've tested it on Macs, PCs, and Linux boxes on our end.
This release is shareware and we would be happy if you distributed it freely. You'll always be able to get the most up to date version of GenoStat directly off this web page.
Current version: December, 2015
Note: This is a zip archive file and must be unzipped before running.
Problems running GenoStat? Make sure you have the latest Java runtime environment installed.
Please report any comments, suggestions, or problems to us at