Download Articles

Introductory Materials

Evaluating forensic DNA evidence: Essential elements of a competent defense review. Part 1.
William C. Thompson, Simon Ford, Travis Doom, Michael Raymer, and Dan E. Krane. Evaluating forensic DNA evidence: Essential elements of a competent defense review. Part 1. The Champion, 27(3):16-25, April 2003.
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Evaluating forensic DNA evidence: Essential elements of a competent defense review. Part 2.
William C. Thompson, Simon Ford, Travis Doom, Michael Raymer, and Dan E. Krane. Evaluating forensic DNA evidence: Essential elements of a competent defense review. Part 2. The Champion, 27(4):24-28, May 2003.
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Chapter 11: DNA in the courtroom
Thompson, W. and Krane, D. (2003). Chapter 11: DNA in the courtroom. Psychological and Scientific Evidence in Criminal Trials. West Group.
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Useful chart of DNA terms
Useful chart of DNA terms, information on commonly-used testing kits, how to identify some specific problems with DNA evidence, and twelve important questions that always need to be asked about DNA evidence.
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General Articles

Letter to the Editor: Appropriate Standards for Verification and Validation of Probabilistic Genotyping Systems
N. Adams, R. Koppl, D. Krane, W. Thompson, and S. Zabell, Journal of Forensic Sciences, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 339–340, 2018.
JFS 2018 - Appropriate Standards for Ver[...]
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Authors' response to Time for DNA Database Disclosure (letter)

Tamyra R. MorettiBruce Budowle, and John S. Buckleton (2015). Authors' Response. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 60(6), 1669–1670.

Time for DNA Database Disclosure (letter)
Krane, D. E. (2015). Time for DNA Database Disclosure. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 60(6), 1668-1668.
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Do Observer Effects Matter? A Comment on Langenburg, Bochet, and Ford
R. Koppl, D. Charlton, I. Kornfield, D. Krane, M. Risinger, C. Robertson, M. Saks, W. Thompson
Forensic Science Policy & Management: An International Journal
Vol. 6, Iss. 1-2, 2015
Do Observer Effect Matter.pdf
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Context Management Toolbox: A Linear Sequential Unmasking (LSU) Approach for Minimizing Cognitive Bias in Forensic Decision Making.
Dror, I. E., Thompson, W.C., Meissner, C.A, Kornfield, I., Krane, D., Saks, M., & Risinger, M. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 2015, Volume 60, Issue 4, pages 1111–1112.
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Forensic DNA Statistics: Still Controversial in Some Cases
W. Thompson, L. Mueller and D. Krane. Forensic DNA Statistics: Still Controversial in Some Cases. The Champion, 36(10):12-23, December 2012.
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Magnitude-dependent variation in peak height balance at heterozygous STR loci
J. Gilder, K. Inman, W. Shields and D. Krane. Magnitude-dependent variation in peak height balance at heterozygous STR loci. International Journal of Legal Medicine. DOI 10.1007/s00414-009-0411-2.
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Commentary on: "A perspective on errors, bias, and interpretation in the forensic sciences and direction for continuing advancement"
D. Krane, S. Ford, J. Gilder, K. Inman, A. Jamieson, R. Koppl, I. Kornfield, D.M. Risinger, N. Rudin, M. Taylor, W.C. Thompson.Commentary on: "A perspective on errors, bias, and interpretation in the forensic sciences and direction for continuing advancement". Journal of Forensic Sciences. 2010;55(1):273-274.
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Original Article: "A perspective on errors, bias, and interpretation in the forensic sciences and direction for continuing advancement"
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Author's response to commentary on "A perspective on errors, bias, and interpretation in the forensic sciences and direction for continuing advancement"
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Time for DNA disclosure
D.E. Krane, V. Bahn, D. Balding, B. Barlow, H. Cash, B.L. Desportes, P. D’Eustachio, K. Devlin, T.E. Doom, I. Dror, S. Ford, C. Funk, J. Gilder, G. Hampikian, K. Inman, A. Jamieson, P.E. Kent, R. Koppl, I. Kornfield, S. Krimsky, J. Mnookin, L. Mueller, E. Murphy, D.R. Paoletti, D.A. Petrov, M. Raymer, D.M. Risinger, A. Roth, N. Rudin, W. Shields, J.A. Siegel, M. Slatkin, Y.S. Song, T. Speed, C. Spiegelman, P. Sullivan, A.R. Swienton, T. Tarpey, W.C. Thompson, E. Ungvarsky, S. Zabell. Time for DNA disclosure. Science. 2009;326:1631-1632.
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Comments on the review of low copy number testing
J. Gilder, R. Koppl, I. Kornfield, D. Krane, L. Mueller, W.C. Thompson. Comments on the review of low copy number testing. International Journal of Legal Medicine. 2009;123(6):535-536.
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Dan Krane. “Low amounts of DNA. [book chapter]” Wiley Encyclopedia of Forensic Science (A. Jamieson & A. Moenssens eds.) 2009.

Jason Gilder. "Degraded samples. [book chapter]" Wiley Encyclopedia of Forensic Science (A. Jamieson & A. Moenssens eds.) 2009.

Validity of low copy number typing and applications to forensic science
B. Budowle, A.J. Eisenberg, A. van Daal. Validity of low copy number typing and applications to forensic science. Croatian Medical Journal. 2009;50(3):207-217.
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National Research Council. Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward. Washington DC, National Academy Press: 2009.

A Review of the Science of Low Template DNA Analysis
B. Caddy, G. R. Taylor, and A.M.T. Linacre. A Review of the Science of Low Template DNA Analysis. April 2008.
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The Queen v. Sean Hoey
Justice Weir. The Queen v. Sean Hoey. Crown Court sitting in Northern Ireland. Bill No: 341/05. Neutral citation no. [2007] NICC 49. Ref: WEI7021. December 20, 2007.
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Run-specific limits of detection and quantitation for STR-based DNA testing.
J. Gilder, T. Doom, K. Inman, and D. Krane. Run-specific limits of detection and quantitation for STR-based DNA testing. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 2007;52(1):97-101.
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Scientific heat about cold hits
Keith Devlin. Scientific heat about cold hits. Unfinished draft. 2007.
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Database limitations on the evidentiary value of forensic mitochondrial DNA evidence
F. Kaestle, R. Kittles, A. Roth, and E. Ungvarsky. Database limitations on the evidentiary value of forensic mitochondrial DNA evidence. American Criminal Law Review. Vol 43, Number 1. Winter 2006.
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Was the Shawnee war chief Blue Jacket a Caucasian?
C. Rowland, R. Van Trees, M. Taylor, and D. Krane. Was the Shawnee war chief Blue Jacket a Caucasian? The Ohio Journal of Science. 2006;106(4):126-129.
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Inquest into the death of Jaidyn Raymond Leskie
Inquest into the death of Jaidyn Raymond Leskie Coroners Case Number: 007/98. October 2006.
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Evaluating and challenging forensic identification evidence
William A. Tobin and William C. Thompson. Evaluating and challenging forensic identification evidence. The Champion. 30(6):12-21, July 2006.
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Assessing the implications for close relatives in the event of similar but non-matching DNA profiles
D. Paoletti, T. Doom, M. Raymer, and D. Krane. Assessing the implications for close relatives in the event of similar but non-matching DNA profiles. Jurimetrics. 2006;46(2):161-175.
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Tarnish on the 'gold standard:' Understanding recent problems in forensic DNA testing
William C. Thompson. Tarnish on the 'gold standard:' Understanding recent problems in forensic DNA testing. The Champion. 30(1):10-16, January/February 2006.
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Empirical Analysis of the STR Profiles Resulting from Conceptual Mixtures
D. Paoletti, T. Doom, C. Krane, M. Raymer, and D. Krane. Empirical Analysis of the STR profiles resulting from conceptual mixtures.Journal of Forensic Sciences. 2005;50(6):1361-1366.
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Commentary on: Budowle B, Shea B, Niezgoda S, Chakraborty R. CODIS STR loci data from 41 sample populations. J Forensic Sci 2001;46:453–489
D.E. Krane, T.E. Doom, L. Mueller, M.L. Raymer, W.M. Shields, and W.C. Thompson. Commentary on: Budowle B, Shea B, Niezgoda S, Chakraborty R. CODIS STR loci data from 41 sample populations. J Forensic Sci 2001;46:453–489. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 2004;49(6):453-489.
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Original author's response to: Commentary on: Budowle B, Shea B, Niezgoda S, Chakraborty R. CODIS STR loci data from 41 sample populations. J Forensic Sci 2001;46:453–489
Bonferroni response.pdf
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Budowle B, Shea B, Niezgoda S, Chakraborty R. CODIS STR loci data from 41 sample populations. J Forensic Sci 2001;46:453–489
Original paper
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Validation study of the Genophiler® automated data review system
S. Ford, J. Gilder, C. Rowland, B. Kelly, and M. Raymer. Validation study of the Genophiler® automated data review system. Poster at the 16th International Symposium on Human Identification. Promega. Phoenix, AZ. October 2004.
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Abstract: validation study of the Genophiler® automated data review system
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Systematic differences in electropherogram peak heights reported by different version of the GeneScan® software
J. Gilder, S. Ford, T. Doom, M. Raymer, and D. Krane. Systematic differences in electropherogram peak heights reported by different version of the GeneScan® software. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 2004;49(1):85-92.
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Victoria State Coroner's Inquest into the Death of Jaidyn Leskie
Dan E. Krane. Victoria State Coroner's Inquest into the Death of Jaidyn Leskie. Supplemental DNA report. February 3, 2004.
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Victoria State Coroner's Inquest into the Death of Jaidyn Leskie
Dan E. Krane. Victoria State Coroner's Inquest into the Death of Jaidyn Leskie. DNA report. December 4, 2003.
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Victoria State Coroner's Inquest into Death of Jaidyn Leskie
William C. Thompson. Victoria State Coroner's Inquest into Death of Jaidyn Leskie. DNA report. December 3, 2003.
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Jury Understanding of DNA Evidence: An Empirical Assessment of Presentation Formats for Trace Evidence with a Relatively Small Random Match Probability
A. Nance and S. Morris. Jury Understanding of DNA Evidence: An Empirical Assessment of Presentation Formats for Trace Evidence with a Relatively Small Random Match Probability. October 17, 2003.
jury understanding.pdf
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TA case #1458, Commonwealth v. Dirk K. Geineder
M. Taylor and E. Johnson. TA case #1458, Commonwealth v. Dirk K. Geineder. Mixture studies report.
TaylorJohnson Study.pdf
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Review of Transfer Articles
Martin F. Murphy. Review of Transfer Articles. Summary of several DNA transfer studies.
DNA Transfer Studies memo.pdf
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Mutation rate in human microsatellites: Influence of the structure and length of the tandem repeat
B. Brinkmann, M. Klintschar, F. Neuhuber, J. Huhne, and B. Rolf. Mutation rate in human microsatellites: Influence of the structure and length of the tandem repeat. American Journal of Human Genetics. 1998;62:1408-1415.
Mutation Rates.pdf
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Addressing DNA That Implicates Your Client
Michael N. Burt. Addressing DNA That Implicates Your Client.
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National Research Council. The Evaluation of Forensic DNA Evidence. Washington DC, National Academy Press: 1996.

DNA Fingerprinting Loci Do Show Population Differences: Comments on Budlowe et al
Stanley Sawyer, Ann Podleski, Dan Krane, and Daniel Hartl. DNA Fingerprinting Loci Do Show Population Differences: Comments on Budlowe et al. American Journal of Human Genetics. 1996;59:272-274.
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The retention and transfer of spermatozoa in clothing by machine washing
E. Kafarowski, A. Lyon, and M. Sloan. The retention and transfer of spermatozoa in clothing by machine washing. Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal, 20(1):7.11, 1996.
Laundry-sperm transfer.pdf
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Unresolved Issues in the Forensic Use of DNA Profiling
Ronald Ostrowski and Dan E. Krane. Unresolved Issues in the Forensic Use of DNA Profiling. Accountability in Research. 1993;3:47-54.
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National Research Council. DNA Technology in Forensic Science. Washington DC, National Academy Press: 1992.

Genetic Differences at Four DNA Typing Loci in Finnish, Italian, and Mixed Caucasian Populations
Dan E. Krane, Robert W. Allen, Stanley A. Sawyer, Dmitri A. Petrov, and Daniel L. Hartl. Genetic Differences at Four DNA Typing Loci in Finnish, Italian, and Mixed Caucasian Populations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - USA (Genetics). 1992;89:10583-10587.
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Press and Coverage

Forensic expert says DNA testing not foolproof
Forensic expert says DNA testing not foolproof. Middletown Journal. August 20, 2004.
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National figures in DNA testing to speak at conference in Dayton directed by Wright State faculty member
National figures in DNA testing to speak at conference in Dayton directed by Wright State faculty member. August 5, 2004.
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National Experts on DNA Testing Announced for Summer Conference Arranged
National Experts on DNA Testing Announced for Summer Conference Arranged by Wright State Faculty Member. AScribe Newswire. June 9, 2004.
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BUREAU OF CRIMINAL APPREHENSION: Scientist sees DNA flaws in database
BUREAU OF CRIMINAL APPREHENSION: Scientist sees DNA flaws in database. Pioneer Press, November 25, 2002.
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WSU's Genophiler System: A New Way To Analyze DNA
WSU's Genophiler System: A New Way To Analyze DNA. The Guardian, November 20, 2002.
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DNA for the defense: New Wright State University software interprets DNA evidence
DNA for the defense: New Wright State University software interprets DNA evidence. Wright State University News Release, October 22, 2002.
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